Thursday, October 9, 2014

10/9/14 As Promised!

Hey all!

So unfortunately I wasn't able to fix my Maya problems until a little too late, but the good news is its fixed!  So Monday there will be a bit more 3D in the mix!  Right now though I have a bit of concept work for Asla's pirate crew!

First up is Bracket!  Cannoneer and marksmen, Bracket is the heavy guns crew member who's design is taken from a Stegosaurus.

Spraggen!  Asla's First Mate who has a bit of a Napoleon complex being only 3 feet tall.  His design of course is taken from a Triceratops... on a tiny scale.

Crow!  The ship's lookout and silent observer, Crow is the sole wielder of the telescope.  A Pterodactyl of course!

Hardhead!  The ship's pipe smoking engineer and all around handyman who is shaping up to be the only crew member Crow confides in.  His design is taken from an Ankylosaurus.

The only crew member missing so far is Gregor the fat bombastic cook!  His design will be from a  Pachycephalosaurus.

Next week will have more animation and 3D!

Until Next Time!

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