Tuesday, December 30, 2014

12/30/14 Last Post of the Year!

Hey everyone!

Late Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!  Due to how life has gone recently I'm officially making Tuesday my posting day!  Its been a crazy few weeks and I've had to squeeze in time to get work done!

This is actually a set of sketches of my Bearded Dragon- Lady Dirk.  I'm currently designing a logo for my mother's etsy.com store that features costumes for Bearded Dragons!

So for the new year, the first set of projects that will be completed are the animation I began a few months ago but haven't had too much time to work on along with a set of new turn arounds for Grant and Elsa as their designs have changed significantly since they were last done.  And finally a few acting shots of the gang illustrating possible scenes for the show!

Its been an incredible year and I'd like thank everyone who have given me feedback or even stopped by to just take a look.  It means a lot!

Until Next Time!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

12/16/14 More Work! (as usual!)

Hey everyone!

I looked up and suddenly it was next week!  A little more work done towards one of the Kaiten Adviser designs.  Looking to finish the digital painting portion sometime soon!

Until Next Time!

Monday, December 8, 2014

12/9/14 Some Digital sketches and more traditional work!

Hey all!

As the title suggests- more digital and traditional work!

  Possible Kaiten King adviser designs.

Adviser prelims.

More Grant work and some scale re-configuring!

Kingslayer is now at a point where the next step will be the creation of a pitch bible.  I'll be doing a few images for this book in the near future!  Its been a long road, but we can finally see the end of it!

More work next week!
Until Next Time!

Monday, December 1, 2014

12/1/14 Its been a month, but I'm back!

Hey all!

My computer is finally working again.  After a fried board, an RMA'd board and then RAM corruption I'm finally back!

I'll jump right into it!  This week will be entirely traditional work and consist of mostly ink and brush pen work!

 Some Metroid and Fantasy Life fan art!

After the release of Blizzard's Overwatch Trailer I felt the need to take Vortize and Tarnished in a new direction.  While keeping all of the same sensibilities I'm moving into more of a post universe setting- What happens when everything ends?  What would that look like?  Whats left? Where is everything right now? These are the questions I was asking myself as I drew this next set of images. 

These last two are a couple of super rough concepts to get me into the mood of this world.

This week I'll be jumping back into the computer realm and finishing up my loose ends!  And of course more traditional work!

Until Next Time!