Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Busy Rich Industries- It's been awhile!

Hey all!

No I'm not dead, California didn't eat me.  Since my last post a lot of stuff has happened!  I have since returned to Arizona for the time being as I continue to work towards animation and character design!

Now on to the good parts!  A few months ago I began working with an awesome team of individuals at Busy Rich Industries with the goal in mind of creating a sort of media Hub for all things MMORPG!  I won't spoil what all the entails quite yet as the site hasn't been launched yet.  I'm currently working as an animator/illustrator and I'm in charge of building/creating most of the assets we'll eventually use.

Well I can't show too much else here!  There's a lot more to come so check it out in the next few weeks.  Enjoy!
Until Next Time!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

3/10/15 First Turnaround Prelim of Bonnie!

Hey all!

I've been busy packing for my move to California!  This week I've got the first Turnaround for Bonnie's redesign!

These next couple weeks are going to incredibly busy so I'm not sure if I'll be able to post!

Until Next Time!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

3/3/15 First Post of the month! Updated Grant!

Hey all!

  It's been an incredibly fast week filled with planning!  I am officially moving to Culver City, LA at the end of this month and I've got a lot of work ahead of me!  Along with this I've been working on some commission work!

This week I've gone back and cleaned up a bit of Grant to sharpen him up.

Next Step will be a turn around for both Bonnie and Grant!

Until Next Time!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2/24/15 Grant the Conquistador

Hello everyone!

More Traditional work this week!

Grant's costume for what ever reason has just never gelled quite right.  Its been all over the place from clunky to slick but never being right for his character or environment.  his last iteration was more along the lines of the classic Roman or Greek Hero garb, yet that still didn't work.  When drawing him it always felt clunky and just never flowed quite right.  And then it finally came to me while while working out with Brendan.  The only era that I as an artist haven't set foot in is the Spanish Age of Exploration.  It was perfect- conquistadors! It was everything I had been looking for: armored yet mobile, protection from every environment possible (minus snow) yet iconic.  Grant will be going back to a single handed sword that's equipped with a hilt that can extend into being a sort of pike.

His redesign came almost instantly, and it flows extremely well when drawn.  This set of drawings below were quick sketches with some digital coloring thrown on to get the look across.  The more finished piece will be coming next week.

Bonnie on the other hand is moving along nicely sharpening everyday.

Until Next Time!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

2/17/15 Grant and color!

Hey all!

This week was mainly focusing on more sharpening of designs, specifically on how they interact and originate in their universe.

More next week!

Until Next Time!

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

2/11/15 Misc Designs

Hey everyone!

Rather short week and light on work!

Mountain home armor designs along with the first concept for Grant's father- Captain of the Guard.  This also includes a better look at Grant's spear/axe/mace weapon.

Until Next Time!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2/3/15 Bonnie Redesign!

Hey all!

This week was supposed to be a Grant week but ended up turning into a Bonnie week!

One of the new directions that was discussed a while ago was to change Bonnie into a sort of Kaiten Hunter. A few drawings were done, but nothing really concrete or very finished was ever done.  The top draws depict the more femme fatale direction she's now taken that came very naturally and the overall change to her style.  The second set of drawings are exploring how her armor actually works.  I've since abandoned the overly spiky look, it just didn't make too much sense (top right drawing).

Pushing along the idea of scorpion was the addition of her Mechano Claws that I've designed after the Jaws of Life used by emergency response teams.  Instead of using the same claw twice, she uses two different claws that are used for different functions.  As labeled she now sports a Crush Claw and a Pry Claw.  One to cut and mangle and the other to pry or hold a set of Kaiten jaws at bay.  I've also added two "head guards" whose purpose is to keep larger creatures from being able to go for the throat or the base of her head tail.

The Grant turn around begins this week!

Until Next Time!