Tuesday, February 24, 2015

2/24/15 Grant the Conquistador

Hello everyone!

More Traditional work this week!

Grant's costume for what ever reason has just never gelled quite right.  Its been all over the place from clunky to slick but never being right for his character or environment.  his last iteration was more along the lines of the classic Roman or Greek Hero garb, yet that still didn't work.  When drawing him it always felt clunky and just never flowed quite right.  And then it finally came to me while while working out with Brendan.  The only era that I as an artist haven't set foot in is the Spanish Age of Exploration.  It was perfect- conquistadors! It was everything I had been looking for: armored yet mobile, protection from every environment possible (minus snow) yet iconic.  Grant will be going back to a single handed sword that's equipped with a hilt that can extend into being a sort of pike.

His redesign came almost instantly, and it flows extremely well when drawn.  This set of drawings below were quick sketches with some digital coloring thrown on to get the look across.  The more finished piece will be coming next week.

Bonnie on the other hand is moving along nicely sharpening everyday.

Until Next Time!

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