Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2/3/15 Bonnie Redesign!

Hey all!

This week was supposed to be a Grant week but ended up turning into a Bonnie week!

One of the new directions that was discussed a while ago was to change Bonnie into a sort of Kaiten Hunter. A few drawings were done, but nothing really concrete or very finished was ever done.  The top draws depict the more femme fatale direction she's now taken that came very naturally and the overall change to her style.  The second set of drawings are exploring how her armor actually works.  I've since abandoned the overly spiky look, it just didn't make too much sense (top right drawing).

Pushing along the idea of scorpion was the addition of her Mechano Claws that I've designed after the Jaws of Life used by emergency response teams.  Instead of using the same claw twice, she uses two different claws that are used for different functions.  As labeled she now sports a Crush Claw and a Pry Claw.  One to cut and mangle and the other to pry or hold a set of Kaiten jaws at bay.  I've also added two "head guards" whose purpose is to keep larger creatures from being able to go for the throat or the base of her head tail.

The Grant turn around begins this week!

Until Next Time!

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