Tuesday, August 26, 2014

8/26/14 Rigging, more drawing and a return to Animation!

Hello All!

This week was the return to work!  I decided to take a shot at rigging Thorn for the purpose of posing and animation!

After rerigging him nearly 6 times I realized that I really don't enjoy rigging and for the time being I will be stepping away from it.  During this rigging process I realized just how much I love animating and plan to jump back into it this week!  The entire time it felt like I was trying to fix a toy that all I wanted to do was play with!

And in the 2D corner, I decided to take a small sketch of Asla to the next stage!  I'll be going back and touching up this image for a later post!

More to come next week!

Until Next Time!

Monday, August 18, 2014

8/18/14 Returned from Siggraph and getting back to work!

Hey everyone!

It's been quite a busy two weeks filled with some awesome experiences!  Siggraph was absolutely fantastic and I was able to receive some great feedback!  But it's back to business!

So, unfortunately due to the hiatus I wasn't able to get as much work as I would have liked but I'm back on the ball ready to roll! Those of you who haven't seen Thorn's render you should take a look at the prior post or go to the Showcase page of this blog!

This week is going to mainly be 3D modeling work as I plan and schedule my next big piece!

You may recognize this little character from a sketch a few weeks back!  I've begun just modeling out some of my favorites.  If you'd like to see more of these check out the Random Works page to check out my many pages of gestural sketching that include this character!

With this little guy I mainly focused on poly count reduction.  I was able to majorly reduce his polys from a couple weeks prior!

More to come next week!

Until Next Time!

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

8/4/14 Finished Render of Thorn, Siggraph and the weekly Gestures!

Hey everyone and those of you I meet from the future!

As promised this week Thorn is finished!  The next phase will be rigging, but for right now hes done!  I'll be updating my flatbook/Artwork page with a couple page spread for Thorn with the trials and tribulations that came with him!

I depart for Siggraph on Wednesday and I return a week and a half later!  Next Monday the Blog will be silent as I journey in the mystical land of Canada.  For those of you who are checking out the blog in the future after getting one of my business cards- WELCOME! And please take a look around, there's a lot of work posted here!

Before it gets buried by Thorn renders, gesture work first!
This week the gestures are from "Tarnished"!

And now for the big fish!

For those interested the pilot script is completed!  And please feel free to contact Brendan Hayworth about it! Follow the link below to check it out!

Like I said above I'll be gone next Monday (8/11/14) so there wont be any new posts!  But expect them to return the following week!

Final note!  A very happy birthday to my mother! 8/5  Its strange how she continues to turn 35 each year...

Until Next Time!