Tuesday, September 30, 2014

9/30/14 Animation Update

Hey all!

This week was filled with a lot of gesture drawings and finishing up my key frames for the animation!

In my 2D work I've begun working on concepts for Asla's pirate crew!  As her crew is made up of bestial dinosaur humanoids I'm currently experimenting and researching ways to keep them looking dinosaur enough without making them look "furry".  Its been a fun challenge and I've been looking to a few difference sources including The Legend of Zelda and Dark Stalkers.  I'll be posting more finished concepts next week!

In the animation portion of my work, progress has been steadily moving along as I am now entering phase 2 of the short with timing out the animation.  Next week I'll have the playblast posted!  This week I have some screen shots of the key frames!

More finalized concepts and a timed out playblast for next week!

Until Next Time!

Monday, September 22, 2014

9/22/14 More Ink washes along with more Kingslayer concepts!

Hello everyone!

As usual its been a busy week!  Work on the animation is coming along steadily!  I forgot what it was like to sit down and have 8 hours pass like nothing.  I've got more ink washes this week!

These are style concepts for two of the factions of the Carverkin race.

Again, same tool/weapon but two different styles.

The very first concept of a crewmember of Asla's, an ankylosaur engineer.

I'll hopefully be posting a playblast of the work done on the Kaos animation for next week, and of course more traditional work!

Until Next Time!

Monday, September 15, 2014

9/15/14 More Water Color and more Animation progress!

Hey everybody!

As the title suggests- more water color and more animation progress!

Rough animation is currently being key framed and will be posted soon!

Until Next Time!

Monday, September 8, 2014

9/8/14 Animation! and Storyboards for the first animation!

Hello everybody!

This week I've got boards and a screenshot of the from start of the animation!

To give a little background on this piece, its originally from a Skylanders Swap Force Cinematic.
The animation on the character of Kaos bugged me so much that I felt the need to reframe, reboard and reanimate the scene to better get across the intention to the audience.  Everything here is my own take on the scene.

Norman has proven to be my new favorite rig.

More to come next week!

Until Next Time!

Monday, September 1, 2014

9/1/14 Flatbook Pages, another Art piece begins and Animation returns!

Hey everyone!

So this week I've been going over exactly what I want to animate and I've come to a couple ideas.  One is I'll be reanimating some scenes from a couple of different video game cinematics that have really bugged me every time I see them.  The other idea is to animate a little bit of some of my favorite comedian stand up.  I've also chosen my rig- Norman!  So for next week expect to see some story boards for the first animation!

I've also finished up Thorn's flatbook pages!  So he's officially wrapped up for the time being!

If you'd like to see Thorn's turn around check out the showcase page or scroll down!

Next up is the new art piece I've begun working on, just line work at the moment!

Next week expect to see some new boards along with some sketchbook work! (Possibly some rough animation as well!)

Until Next Time!