Monday, April 14, 2014

4/14/14 Thorn UV'ing

Hello everyone!

This week's post is gonna be a bit opposite from last week's!  Thorn update with no 2D being posted!  Shocking I know!

I took this week to just gesture sketch to loosen up again, jotting down new ideas on how to further Elsa and new directions for a few characters!  I've also begun work on Race turn arounds!  I'll be posting a male and female version for each race to the quality of my previous work in the Art section of this blog! So stay tuned!

Now for Thorn's progress!

 As you can see I've almost completed Thorn's body mesh UV, only torso and hand remaining.  I'm using a far better method of UV'ing than I have in the past so its taking a little bit more time to get it second nature.  But like all things, the pace is really starting to pick up and I'm over joyed by the results!

 I'm pretty proud of his facial mesh!  The large mesh on the right is the interior of mouth.

And of course I couldn't resist an image with all of his armor back on!

Next week this blog should see the prelims for the first race I'll be fabricating --The Centiaq!  And a roughly textured Thorn!
Until Next time!
- Jordan

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