Monday, April 28, 2014

4/28/14 Thorn base color, Skylander Redesign and Centiaq Prelims!

Hey everyone!

This week I was able to finished the basic color texture for Thorn!  I was able to bake a diffuse layer combining all of my textures and saving me a ton of time.  I am over joyed at the fact he looks like his 2D counterpart! With minimal color changes I'm able to now move into the detail phase and get some nice texturing work in!

As I stated last week I was going to post the prelims for the Centiaq genders.  So here they are, male and female!  The male, while still well built will have a bit rounder quality about them as most male opera singers happen to be large around the belly for better resonance.

And finally this week's Skylander!

This week was a redesign, and the lucky redesign is Wrecking Ball!  The way this process works is (as I am still new to a lot of their back stories) my friend reads off to me a back story excluding name, or physical description while only giving me his element and attack functions. And then in as little time as possible, form a concept.  This week I was able to brain storm a name, concept and add some basic colors in under an hour.

So this is RanSnack, a Magic element based frog food thief who uses his tongue for a majority of his attacks.  He stores his food in his magical handkerchief!  This came from the story of "Boiling a frog" based on his back story and just continued from there.  Like I said before hes a redesign of Wrecking Ball, a character I wasn't familiar with before.  After I was done concepting I referred to Wrecking Ball for color direction, and I'm quite pleased with the results.

Next week I'm planning on having a finished linework for the Centiaq along with an original Skylander design and most likely more pieces getting ready for color!

Until Next time!

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