Tuesday, May 27, 2014

5/26/14 Skylander of the week!

Hello everyone!

Happy Memorial weekend!

So this week I actually worked on a Skylander a bit more than previous weeks, so I was able to do a bit more concepting for him!

As for Thorn I'm currently still in the boring base texturing phase so its not too much to look at! Hopefully next week he will return!

Introducing: Boom Blast!  The one man band!

Boom Blast is a wind beetle who utilizes his horn wind bellows along with his hollow drum hands!  This makes him of course an Air Skylander and a Swap Force character to boot!  You might be saying,"Wait you already did an Air Skylander!"  To which I'd answer,"Yes, but as I'm finding there are too few Air Skylander characters at this time that I really enjoy!  So its up to me to come up with better designs that I would find myself buying!"

Design wise his overall shape came to me in a dream so I worked from there!  His helmet/carapace is based off of a french horn/trumpet while his arms and legs are a bit more percussion.

Boom Blast - Swap Force Character
"Move to the Beat!"
Beats the ground with his drum-fists, creating shockwaves. Uses his horn to blast back enemies, and can finish them off with a great leap.
Top Half:
A Attack: Drummer's Fury: Slams ground and creates Drumwaves.
Y Attack: Horn Blast: AOE wind blast using horn. Tilt Joystick up or down to change pitch.
Drummer's Fury unleashes two Drumwaves.
Path Upgrades: One Man Band or Steel Drums
One Man Band:
Hold Y to Horn Blast for as long as you want.
Horn Blast goes even FARTHER!
Steel Drums:
New set of drum fists does increased damage!
Bigger drums for a better beat- increases armor!

Bottom Half:
B Attack: Sound Off!: Leaps forward and lands, pushing enemies back.
Sound Off also pushes enemies down after knocking them back.
Sound Off has a larger area of effect.
Summon: "Move to the beat!"
Attack 1: "Feel the groove!"
Attack 2: "Drumroll please!"
Gets Crit: "Drum solo!"
Random 1: "Can't stop this feeling."
Random 2: "Boom, Boom, BOOOOOOM!"
New Hat: "It's time for the spotlight!"
Mechanics and Quotes by Robert Hayworth

Next week will be more digital inking and texturing!

Until Next Time!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

5/19/14 Texture Mapping!

Hello everybody!

Lots of sketch work this week! I'm waiting until these sketches are bit more finalized before I post!  I've also begun the heavy lifting on Thorn's high res textures, so this week it's not too much to look at but still a much needed part of the process!

I am currently going over Thorn's mesh and roughly dividing it into muscle groups/areas of interest so that the painting process goes a bit less straight ahead and more pose to pose.   This process is so in the long run I don't end up having to redo large portions or overly involved tweaks and save a bit more time at the end!

Next week will see the return of the Skylanders! Along with hopefully a brand new start to a Skylander based portfolio piece!

Until next time!

Monday, May 12, 2014

5/12/14 The Weekly Skylander!

Hello everyone!

Its been a hectic week of graduations and parties!

So this week I have a new Skylander!

This week is the water gladiator Trap Master-- Surf Striker!

Shes a guardian of the depths.  A mix of Creature from the Black Lagoon and trident/net gladiator. Due to the underrepresented women in this franchise I felt the need to make this week's Skylander a female Trap Master! 

Game mechanics and quotes by Robert Hayworth

Power: 200 / Defense: 140 / Speed: 120 / Life: 80

Battle Quotes:
Summon: "Catch the wave!"
Random 1: "This entertains me."
Random 2: "Bring on the harder stuff!"
Gets a Crit: "By the Ocean's might!"
Beats Enemy 1: "No challenge too small."
Beats Enemy 2: "All of the glory!"
Switches Hat: "Anything for battle."

Mechanics: Traptanium Trident
Main attack: Trident Stab: Lunges forth with Trident.
Second attack: Net Wave: Swings net, blasting a wave of water that pushes foes back.
Special attack: Impale: Throws net out, catching foes to bring close. Stabs them with trident for max damage.

Next week Thorn will have a new coat of paint on him along with some digitally inked Centiaq!

Until next time!
- Jordan

Monday, May 5, 2014

5/5/14 Linework and another Skylander!

Hello everyone!

Its the first post on may!  No Thorn work this week, but he'll return next week!

This week I have finalized line work for the Centiaq and a new Skylander!

 First up: The Centiaq!

The two Centiaq represented have no armor or clothing on, this is Centiaq anatomy on a base level.  The main things that will vary when it comes to this race are headdress and tail.  The tail I have represented here is going to be a pretty standard size and length, but some Centiaq may have tails that serve for precise dealings and be far more agile.  The headdress might represent things such as occupation or social status.

As far as the design goes I really wanted to capture the majesty of a centaur without making them totally half humanoid half bug and came up with the tail idea as a compromise.  The tail functions as 5th arm like I stated above or also as an anchor or a way to ground themselves!

And finally the Skylander!

This week's Skylander is Nose Dive!

Nose Dive is a sugar glider with a devil may care attitude.  Wielding two rocket gauntlets of power he delivers sky diving punches that send the mightiest of Kaos' force for a loop!  Along with his gauntlets, Nose Dive possesses a hook attached to his tail that serves as way of snagging enemies and slinging them off ledges or into each other.  The hook also serves as way of attaching himself to trees and other terrain to sling himself using the power of centrifugal force!

Next will Thorn will be returning as well another Skylander! And more concepts for other races!

Until Next time!