Tuesday, May 27, 2014

5/26/14 Skylander of the week!

Hello everyone!

Happy Memorial weekend!

So this week I actually worked on a Skylander a bit more than previous weeks, so I was able to do a bit more concepting for him!

As for Thorn I'm currently still in the boring base texturing phase so its not too much to look at! Hopefully next week he will return!

Introducing: Boom Blast!  The one man band!

Boom Blast is a wind beetle who utilizes his horn wind bellows along with his hollow drum hands!  This makes him of course an Air Skylander and a Swap Force character to boot!  You might be saying,"Wait you already did an Air Skylander!"  To which I'd answer,"Yes, but as I'm finding there are too few Air Skylander characters at this time that I really enjoy!  So its up to me to come up with better designs that I would find myself buying!"

Design wise his overall shape came to me in a dream so I worked from there!  His helmet/carapace is based off of a french horn/trumpet while his arms and legs are a bit more percussion.

Boom Blast - Swap Force Character
"Move to the Beat!"
Beats the ground with his drum-fists, creating shockwaves. Uses his horn to blast back enemies, and can finish them off with a great leap.
Top Half:
A Attack: Drummer's Fury: Slams ground and creates Drumwaves.
Y Attack: Horn Blast: AOE wind blast using horn. Tilt Joystick up or down to change pitch.
Drummer's Fury unleashes two Drumwaves.
Path Upgrades: One Man Band or Steel Drums
One Man Band:
Hold Y to Horn Blast for as long as you want.
Horn Blast goes even FARTHER!
Steel Drums:
New set of drum fists does increased damage!
Bigger drums for a better beat- increases armor!

Bottom Half:
B Attack: Sound Off!: Leaps forward and lands, pushing enemies back.
Sound Off also pushes enemies down after knocking them back.
Sound Off has a larger area of effect.
Summon: "Move to the beat!"
Attack 1: "Feel the groove!"
Attack 2: "Drumroll please!"
Gets Crit: "Drum solo!"
Random 1: "Can't stop this feeling."
Random 2: "Boom, Boom, BOOOOOOM!"
New Hat: "It's time for the spotlight!"
Mechanics and Quotes by Robert Hayworth

Next week will be more digital inking and texturing!

Until Next Time!

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