Monday, May 5, 2014

5/5/14 Linework and another Skylander!

Hello everyone!

Its the first post on may!  No Thorn work this week, but he'll return next week!

This week I have finalized line work for the Centiaq and a new Skylander!

 First up: The Centiaq!

The two Centiaq represented have no armor or clothing on, this is Centiaq anatomy on a base level.  The main things that will vary when it comes to this race are headdress and tail.  The tail I have represented here is going to be a pretty standard size and length, but some Centiaq may have tails that serve for precise dealings and be far more agile.  The headdress might represent things such as occupation or social status.

As far as the design goes I really wanted to capture the majesty of a centaur without making them totally half humanoid half bug and came up with the tail idea as a compromise.  The tail functions as 5th arm like I stated above or also as an anchor or a way to ground themselves!

And finally the Skylander!

This week's Skylander is Nose Dive!

Nose Dive is a sugar glider with a devil may care attitude.  Wielding two rocket gauntlets of power he delivers sky diving punches that send the mightiest of Kaos' force for a loop!  Along with his gauntlets, Nose Dive possesses a hook attached to his tail that serves as way of snagging enemies and slinging them off ledges or into each other.  The hook also serves as way of attaching himself to trees and other terrain to sling himself using the power of centrifugal force!

Next will Thorn will be returning as well another Skylander! And more concepts for other races!

Until Next time!

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