Tuesday, May 20, 2014

5/19/14 Texture Mapping!

Hello everybody!

Lots of sketch work this week! I'm waiting until these sketches are bit more finalized before I post!  I've also begun the heavy lifting on Thorn's high res textures, so this week it's not too much to look at but still a much needed part of the process!

I am currently going over Thorn's mesh and roughly dividing it into muscle groups/areas of interest so that the painting process goes a bit less straight ahead and more pose to pose.   This process is so in the long run I don't end up having to redo large portions or overly involved tweaks and save a bit more time at the end!

Next week will see the return of the Skylanders! Along with hopefully a brand new start to a Skylander based portfolio piece!

Until next time!

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