Monday, January 13, 2014

1/13/14 More Creature Work and a New Design Rule

Hello Everyone!

More updates on the 3D modeling and some new character designs.

The first image is the finished b/w concept from the linework from the previous post.
The colors I'm going with won't differ too much from these shades of gray due to the metal qualities of the Kaiten's armor.

The second is the current WIP model of the kaiten over laying the original proxy.
The method I'm using is from a single cube and extruding, and modeling on half.  I'm rather happy with the results!  Getting back into the the modeling frame of mind has been an interesting experience, as I forgot how much it differs from designing in a 2D space.  Regardless, its been a blast so far!  I cannot wait to start texturing it.

The next image is the WIP kaiten model rendered by itself.
Now note, I do plan to keep this model's geometry more on the simple side and do most of the detail work in texturing.  My reasoning is I'd like to take this model and see how it would work in a game engine, so I'd rather keep it on the simple side.

The final image is the direction Ill be taking my word for the time being.  What I'm getting at is, designing for fun and story telling rather than production.  My previous rule I had set up for myself is "How easy would it be to animate this character in flash or by hand?".  My new rule is "How does this character fit into the world they comes from?", and exploring everything that that means to the character and their costume.

This character is Vex, my mantis bounty hunter.  His costume consists of his first kill;  a Kaiten Soldier ant, and he proudly displays it.  Other components are things like:  Kaiten Larva used as ammunition, ant and beetle leg carapace used as armor and so on.  It's been fun coming up with reasons for each piece of gear and making educated additions based on the characteristics of the character.  More to come!

Until Next time!
- Jordan

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