Monday, January 27, 2014

1/27/14 UV'ing and lots of WIP

Hello everyone!

This week was a lot of UV'ing, and reUV'ing. The kaiten, while blocky has turned out to be a challenge to UV in a single mesh, but its turning out great!

As for the rest of the concept work all of it it is currently WIP and I don't feel comfortable with showing it just yet! But! I couldn't simply let a week go by without showing at least one 3D modeling image and at least one sketch!

This first image isn't much of a change due to the fact its being UV'd and I know how exciting checkerboard is!

And of course the next character redesign in the set, Elsa.  With this take of her I wanted to bring out more of her pirate back story along with displaying some of the materials that would come from that part of the world!  So her corset is now partially structured around Insectisaur scales.  I figured the support structure of the corset would be constructed out of the strongest material in her part of the world, which would be the scales from an Insectisaur.  I changed her feet supports to be more boot like.  Before I felt they really didn't look like anything besides being confusing, so I figured it was time to base them off of something more realistic, a pair of leather boots.

Expect at least a finalized Vex concept next week!  It's going to be a fun week of painting!

Until next time!
- Jordan

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