Monday, January 6, 2014

1/6/2014 Creature Modeling and Texturing

Hello everyone!

Its time for the first post college update!

After having done so many humanoid characters I felt it was time to branch out and tackle creature design.  I decided to take a step further and jump back into my love of 3D modeling and texturing.

Those of you who have kept up with my previous blog will remember a race of insect called the Kaiten I had been messing around.  For those who don't they were essentially a race of giant mechanical insects who are one of the main antagonists of the world Grant the gang exist in.

These bugs feature an ability where they can shift into a more weaponized mode that was once used for more peaceful intentions! This Kaiten in particular is a sort of base model that Kaiten come in, nothing too fancy it walks and shifts into a cannon mode.

The first is the pen drawing I'm currently working from that will by next week become a silhouette painting

The second is a proxy model I threw together to start from.

~ Jordan

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