Monday, February 17, 2014

2/17/14 Finishing up the Kaiten Texture and more character work!

Hello Everyone!

So this week I almost completed the Kaiten's texture.  It should be finished in the next couple days, and as you'll see it basically needs a couple more details and some dirt thrown on it to make it look weathered and used.

 As you can see, I'm going extremely simple with the bump map.  The main reason being that I find bump to be very distracting when using it on everything, so I'm limiting it only to the bolts to give it a tiny bit of reflection to give it a sense of scale.  This Kaiten needs to look huge, at least 10 ft in height.

I'm really excited with how its turned out, and I cannot wait to add the finishing touches!

The next set of images are a completed value digital painting of the Vex line work from one of my first posts, and a WIP Elsa value painting.

I plan to have Elsa and the Kaiten finished for the next post!  Along with a new 3D model at least proxy'd out!

Until Next time!

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