Monday, February 3, 2014

2/3/14 More model work done and a new style!

Hello everyone!

A very early Monday post!

This week was very eventful!  I figured out the best way possible to sew on the Kaiten Legs and UV them for the least amount of work and time!

So first up, a very exciting checkerboard model with legs attached! This model was 100% ready for texturing, so that's exactly what I did!

The UV isn't as quite as tight as it could be, but for my purposes this will be just fine.

This is the same model as above, but this time duplicated with a Blinn added

And finally, a roughly lit and rendered model with the beginnings of a texture!

I'm extremely pleased with my results so far, and I cannot wait to finish texturing this model!

This next image is something I began work on only a few days ago.  It came about after remembering how much I love super heroes and villains.  And instead of taking a realism approach as I tend to direct my work, I decided on a much more stylized cartoony look, and I'm really enjoying it.  I also feel that when I model these characters they will become a medium between the textures I plan to use on the King Slayer characters and this Kaiten I've been working on.  I want to practice up to more complex modeling and textures, and I feel these characters will be just the thing to do it!

These drawings are super quick gestures just to re-acquaint myself with these characters.  These three came about years ago, in high school actually and I felt it was time to dust them off and play with them nearly a decade later.

Life drawing this week! And more texture painting fun!
Until next time!

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