Monday, February 24, 2014

2/24/14 The Kaiten Drone is finished!

Hello Everyone!  So without further ado!

Kaiten Drone Rotate!
EDIT: Hi Def has been added!

Retrospective:  This project added a few new skills to my set and really showed me how to work a bit more efficiently and quickly.

As for the concept itself, while it differs a bit in design (antenna placement etc.) I feel the model is a huge improvement over the original concept.  The original concept was literally "Beetle Machine" while the model now reads "Thought out functioning insect robot."  Everything looks and feels right both in scale and detail. All the while staying true to the idea of the original concept!

I'll say it again, I'm really nerding out about how well this turned out! Now I need to find me a rigger... or dive deeper into my basic knowledge of rigging and do it myself!

And to remind you guys of the original concept:

Enjoy the product!

I have also added two more pages to both my flatbook and Art page.

For a closer look at these images:

And finally the texture map!

It's always fun to remember how much really goes into post!  And realize how much you had forgotten!  This model was an absolute blast and I plan on my having my next one started by the next update. (I know I said this update, but the renders and post took a few more days than foreseen!)

Until Next time!

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