Monday, March 10, 2014

3/10/14 Thorn Soft Model

Hello everyone!

This week is light on the 2D work and heavy on the 3D.  Most of my 2D work this week was mapping out piece for Thorn and getting my hand used to his shapes before modeling.  Those sketches will be uploaded at a later date.  For now what I have for you guys is a set of images of the new Thorn model I began working on this week!

So before I begin with the images,  I'd like to explain that I'm using a brand new modeling method I've never used before;  Soft Surface modeling.  I'm still using the Sub Div technique but now with soft surfaces and I'm finding that I'll never go back for at least organic models.  I'm over the moon with the results!  I couldn't have asked for more!  The main reason I still prefer Sub Div modeling is essentially just because it makes me far more conscience of my poly conservation.  So combining these two techniques has been fantastic!

And here we go!

I do plan on rigging this model for posing purposes, so it wont be too complex but enough to get him to emot!

The plan for this week is to continue work on this model and perhaps get the ball rolling on a new character model!

Until Next time!

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