Monday, March 31, 2014

3/31/14 Thorn detail work and more Puppet designs

Hey Everybody!

So this week was a lot of technical work with UV'ing and modeling work. I'm learning new ways of tackling complex organic UV'ing and cleaning up topology!

So while there isn't too much this week, there will be quite a jump next week!

So first up, Thorn's detail work:

As you can see Thorn now has his tabard! I've added a bit of a cuff to his shoulder, this was to actually cut down on a bit of modeling work.  I was originally going to nCloth a shirt over him but realized that even in concept Thorn's clothing was more of the skin tight nature so it would end up looking wrong regardless.

This actually made me rethink his design and actually solve some problems conceptually about his garb, but as you can see I've come to a solution!

And finally some 2D work.

This week I've been thinking about the nature of the Puppetmaster's Automaton; origins, functionality etc.  And I've come to what I think are some awesome ideas.

What makes the Spinnerette so unique is their culture is based on design and functionality.  So to me it made sense if they had been doing this their entire life or at least exposed to it.  Whether it be in toys/pets or simply walking along a webbed path they've been part of it.

What I've shown is some varying degrees of tinkering.  The expert Puppetmaster who has not only been able to reactivate a Spider Kaiten, but also control it.  The scavenger Puppetmaster who had to build their Puppet from scrap and web.  And finally the beginner Master, perhaps just a child taking their first steps towards this craft.

More UV'ing and studying this week! More 2D work to come!

Until Next Time!

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