Monday, March 24, 2014

3/24/14 More Thorn work and a lot more concept!

Hey everyone!

So this week I've got Thorn's modeling almost finished, just need to add his clothing pieces!  And I have quite a bit of concept work that ties in a slightly newish direction!

So first up thorn!

Over all, a bit more work done.

"Finished" up the modeling work for his left arm, give it a bit more of a mechanical segmenting.
The small hook underneath is going to attached to a coil of chain that will be inside of his forearm area.

Finished up Thorn's right arm guard.  The entire purpose of it is smashing, kind of like a set of giant brass knuckles.

I may go a bit more in-depth with his belt, but as of right now I'm pretty happy with it.

Gave him a Ramp shader on his eye to test out how his coloring will work, and I'm quite pleased.

And an over all general look!

And now for the 2D work!  

First up, Thorn's gauntlet sketch I was modeling from.

 This weekend I had the opportunity to work at a street fair for my University representing the animation department, so I was able to get a bit sketching work done!  These are scans from my sketchbook.

What these next set of images represent is a WIP for a possible Pen and Paper RPG set after the events of Grant and Elsa's story that I'm working on with a colleague of mine!

This should look a bit familiar!  This is actually the direction I'm taking for the way female's of Thorn's race (The Carverkin) will look like.  Huge and hulking like the male counterpart, just slightly smaller and bit softer around the edges.

This is a concept for a possible class called the Puppetmaster, a Spinnerette who controls a mechanical automaton. Note that the each character is not to scale.  These automantons can range from city guards to pieces found and melded together.  You might see these automatons roaming the webbed cathedrals of the Spinnerettes.

Next up, the Centiaq! (sent-e-ak)  A race of centipede like humanoids who have a natural gift for the Voice.  These creatures will range from opera singers to traveling bards.  Both genders are represented here. 

This should also look familiar, this is a Bulwark Mantiok, (Mant-e-awk)  one of Vex's race.  The idea is of a last stand kind of praying mantis.  One who doubles their size when in trouble and tends to always jump into action against anything larger than itself and in turn must look larger by flaring out its wings and armor.

 And finally the final image, a human Kaiten Buster.  Years after the events of Grant's story  humans have developed a way to harness the power of the Kaiten and construct mech's from their remains.

I hope you all enjoyed this!  More to come next week!  As for Thorn I'll be working on his UV'ing!

Until Next time!

- Jordan

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