Monday, June 2, 2014

6/2/14 Thorn Texturing

Welcome to the first week of June everyone!

Was able to actually get started on Thorn's real texture mesh!  After much experimenting and research I was able to find exactly how to make texture noise.  For the past week I've been daunted by the task of creating texture noise due to my lack of knowledge in the area of painted textures.

When thinking about exactly what kinds of textures I'd like to see on Thorn, World of Warcraft immediately came to mind.  From there my journey began as I examined character models for poly counts as well their painted textures.  I formed a plan in my head to replicate the texture noise that's so amazingly done in WoW models and I put it into action!

What you now see before you is the first steps of my journey down painted texture noise lane!

The only part of his armor with work currently done on it is his shoulder-pad.  I'm currently experimenting with different texturing ideas.

I realize that some of these areas shown will be covered up by armor but for the experience of it I want to go ahead and do a little bit of it.

I'm extremely proud how Thorn's texture has come out so far! One of the things I'm following and taking into account is Thorn's natural poly edges.  I'm using the natural creases in his muscle definition to do a bit of the work for me, as less work is always better! And it would be unwise to ignore any way to save time!

I feel I'm really starting to get the hang of painted textures and I'm extremely happy with how fast I'm picking it up!  Its fun to see a character just pop out into the living space!

I'm currently looking into a program called Sketchbook Pro to use as a short cut for my real sketchbook.
 I-Wei Huang, an artist I now follow swears by it when it comes to his sketching. I've been following the work of  I-Wei for a bit now and I love his work process when it comes specifically to his Skylanders.  If you'd like to check out some of his work, here's a link to his blog!

Until Next Time!

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