Tuesday, June 10, 2014

6/10/14 Ink Work and Ink Washes!

Hey everyone!

So after watching and being very inspired by the Double Fine documentary for Broken Age, I remembered that the most important part of being an artist is really letting yourself think outside of yourself.  So many times I find myself looking inward for solutions when others have solved my creative/design problems multiple times and better.
The second part of this is remembering to let go. While in animation its never a good idea to do the straight ahead method, I'm finding its beneficial when doing either concepts or art in general.

What I was working on yesterday is exactly what I've been saying above,  I let myself go into my art, constructed a wall of inspiration for myself, and consulted far more accomplished artists for help!

These images were all done on cardstock in Ink pen and then ink washed over the top!

While I wont go into detail on who each of these possible characters are, I will say this-- They're the cyborg looking characters are a representation of the 7 cardinal sins.  Greed, Envy, Lust, Pride, Wrath, Sloth and Gluttony.

Until Next Time!

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