Monday, June 16, 2014

6/16/14 Texturing and a week of Ink Sketches!

Hey everybody!

Lots of stuff this week and Ill get right into it!

First up Thorn texturing!

His body mesh is nearly complete.  I still need to hide my seams a bit and once that's completed I'll be moving onto weathering! (Battle scars, dings and scrapes!) And then of course his armor!

Onto Ink sketches!

Everything from quick storyboards to Sidekick versions of my characters! (Sidekicks- Miniature versions)

Next week I'm planning on finishing up the overall base texture for Thorn as well as more sketching action! Also considering making some new blog tabs for old sketch work that's been buried on this blog and then separating it by series of work!
Until Next Time!

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