Monday, July 14, 2014

7/14/14 A Little Bit of Everything!

Hey everyone!

This week is a little bit of everything!  We'll start off with house keeping!

In preparations for Siggraph I'll be adding a few new pages to blog for the sake of ease to feature the work that has otherwise been buried.  These will be titled as such:  Kingslayer (Grant, Thorn, Elsa, Pacifica and all things in that universe), Tarnished (All things super hero related), Skylanders, and then Misc for anything that might not fit in a category but still be show worthy!

As stated in the title this week was a little bit of everything!  Nannies to Skylanders!

We'll start with the 2D work!

As I've been studying, reading and playing I realized that the above design is more of what I've been trying to convey with Grant.  This is the character design Grant was supposed to originally have and I'll be constructing a new character sheet complete with expressions in the coming weeks!

A few sword and weapon studies.  Looking to give Grant's sword a bit more of a rendered bug head feel.

I've also been looking at British Nannies as reference for a Tarnished elderly heroine character.

With the large Skylanders Trap Team leak this week I've taken the opportunity to look back and redesign a few characters based on Toys for Bob's new level of detail standards and I have to say I'm again really enjoying  the challenge!  This page is strictly preliminary work.  The two characters here are Surf Striker the Trap Master and RanSnack the Core character.

And on to 3D work!

This week I've finished Thorn's Base texture and I'm now focusing on detail clean up and rigging!

As you can see I've begun a basic skeleton for Thorn!

In my personal world!  My monitor of nearly 8 years died this week and I've upgraded to a much larger monitor which is why the Thorn screen shots are a bit larger than usual! I'm over joyed!

More next week!

Until Next Time!

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