Monday, July 28, 2014

7/28/14 Chains, Gestures and Concepts

Hey everyone!

Siggraph is right around the corner, and its been a mad dash to get everything ready!  This week was all about prep'ing for the trip, cleaning up Thorn's model as he's nearly complete and gesture drawing when I had a chance to sit down!

Ran into a lot of technical set backs with Thorn this week but hes way back on track!

This week in gesture drawing includes: Bee Samurai, Welding Absolara and a new design for an Arkeyan Gyrocopter Skylander!

Thorn now has chains! Or at least the start of them!  Currently creating and tweaking CV curves to create snapshot animation as a shortcut for chains.  Again, overall texture work and more cleaning up!

I'm aiming for Monday to be Thorn's big final post before Siggraph so stay tuned!

Until Next Time!

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